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Since Michael's passing I have started finding musings, poems, and journal entries that he wrote and, for whatever reason, did not publish. As I read them, process them, and cherish them, I am convicted that these notes are not just for me; they are for you, too. These writings deserve a chance to live on, the chance that Michael was robbed of.  As you read Michael's Postscripts, keep in mind that they are his unedited, unfiltered, unpublished thoughts. I will do my best to maintain his dignity and privacy while continuing his legacy through publishing his works.  Postscripts will be designated by the prefix "P.S." in the title.   I hope that through reading these Postscripts you remember Michael fondly for the amazing human he is.  

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P.S. Ramblings

P.S. I’ve found my purpose.

The Unexpected Explosion for Her

P.S. Instance of an hour glass

P.S. Wild Wind

The Au Naturel Heart Attack

P.S. GreenBook

The Harvest of Knowledge

The Everlasting Aloha 'Oe