The Harvest of Knowledge

I hate and love research!
The endless amount of data and information out there is suffocating!
Who knew that having any passion or care for ANYTHING IN THE WORLD,
Meant that you would spend endless hours researching,
Only to realize that you have now only gained a few nuggets of good information among the BUSHELS AND BARRELS of useless information.
Who knew that some of us would wish for those old days of researching all day for the same amount of information.
Then we just give up for the lack of information and decide to dive head first into endless experimentation.
Where education and learning is through trial and error for things that we had an inkling of an interest in. 
You would think I was still a student at some high school or college complaining about homework,
But you would be so wrong!
This is the voice of any twenty or thirty-something year old who has some form of passion or love for any kind of subject.
The voice of any inexperienced starter starting some form of project that he has no clue about except interest.
Let the necessity of your desires and thought procreate into a fabulous project.
The chase of money only ends to soulless,
Let your imagination take the nuggets it has eaten and devoured,
Hammer them down into useful tools,
On the anvil of life and experience.
May our oceans of tidbits and uselessness yield unforeseen treasures.
Ask a sage for advice.
Pick a brain of a forerunner.
Observe and appreciate a master at work. 


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