
I've been saying many things over the many years.
Spoken into many ears.
Figured i was being too quiet,
Or they were too deaf. 
Didn't realize they'd blocked me out.
Didn't want to hear what it is I had to say. 

Didn't matter the subject matter
The problem is that it exposed fault lines,
That when shook, exposd lines on your brow.
We'll call them flaw lines,
Not quite as straight as your white raw lines.
The ones inhaled to cover up when they feel said flaws.
Forgive me for shaking the fault lies.

When others speak,
What do they sound like?
Like the adults in Snoopy or Charlie Brown Christmas?
Am I hiding that much from life?
Am I that scared of having flaw lines that last till death?
What've people been saying to me?
All of a sudden, I need hearing aids and eyelasses
The visual aids didn't do much except confuse my neural aids.
I'm goin nuts of here.
The voices have tripled in amount.
Drown me in noise.
Who should i listen to?
Let me rip my ears off.

Let my day start with quiet.
All of a sudden, I crave forests like trees spoken to me with softness.
Oceans roar in my ear.
All telling me the same thing.
Que sera, sera.
I actually listened this time.

inspired by the following video:


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