
People look up, and all they see is clouds.  
Looks like a storm's brewing. 
And yet, in the distance, those clouds seem like bounce houses. 
Somehow they got turned into crack houses! 
All dark and vacant and never lit.  
And most cities you go, you see tons of crowds. 
Some dark, some light, some pacifists, and some lookin for a fight and some wanting to light one up. 
If you listened to hippies, they say go grab a joint, get high, join us in these clouds. 
But why is that our only option? What happened to the Most High? Listen to Him, sprout some wings and fly. 
Hip hop says save face, gotta look fly. 
Don't matter your struggle or your fight, all that matters is savin face. 
But what happens to your face when you keep gettin beat over and over again? 
You ask your replacement to take over, and you get to soar into cloud nine. 
And nah, that ain't just when you win, but always when you try this thing of mine.  
Some get addicted to running and others to running with the wrong crowd, all for that adrenaline, or the runner's high, 
But what happens when you can't outrun your demons? 
They turned out to be world renowned sprinters and marathon runners, 
they can go around the entire world and be back before you even leave your house. 
You try to play hide and seek, but they're always it, 
And seeking? 
It is their favorite past time.  
They've sought and searched for what seemed like eons and eons, and not once, did their prey successfully hide, 
In fact, they usually only wanted its hide!  
They wanted to drive it mad and insane. 
They wanted it to claw its own hair out. 
And when it had tried everything, to finally kill it and take its essence. 
So why fight? Why bury your head like an ostrich? 
Why run, roadrunner? Wile E Coyote ain't Goin stop Comin for ya! 
Go to your maker,  
Tell Him you need Him to tap in and fight for ya! 
Take His medicine, and go to cloud nine,  
My bad, Nevermind that, it's called never land! 
You can fly and be lighter than a kite. 
Forget being high as a kite, be part of the eternal satellite watchin every kite.


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